The ISSF Academy

Training Academy Courses

The Fundamentals of Clay Target

Olympic Clay Target shooting is an exciting and modern shooting sport. Since its appearance in the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, Clay Target shooting has grown into a worldwide sport and with shooters actively competing in over 100 countries.

Three clay target disciplines make up the modern Olympic Clay Target events. Each of these events requires a different shooting technique and requires from the shooter determination, commitment and skill to rise to the top level.

To enable clay target coaches and shooters to access a basic course in the Olympic disciplines, a special e-learning course has been designed and is now hosted on the ISSF Academy e-learning site.   Start the Course

The Fundamentals of Pistol

Modern Olympic Pistol shooting has come along way since its debut at the 1st modern Olympic Games in 1896. With precision and rapid fire events, there is enough variety and skill required to ensure that it a sport which appeals to young and old alike.

Modern Olympic Pistol shooting has developed as a technical and highly skilled sport, requiring both mental and physical ability to succeed. The degree of skill involved requires coaching skills to match and the ISSF Academy is to the forefront in coach education for pistol.

To enable pistol coaches and shooters access to a basic and fundamental introduction to the Olympic pistol disciplines, a special e-coaching course has been designed and is now hosted on the ISSF Academy e-learning site.  Start the Course

The Fundamentals of Olympic Rifle Shooting

Many authorities in the field of shooting and sport in general consider shooting to be a technical sport. It is not without its reasons. While in other sports, strength, speed and agility are required, shooting demands stability, calmness and micro-coordination. Alongside high level of psychophysical abilities, the results also depend on the technical aspects: the quality of rifles, ammunition, equipment and working conditions. Improving the shooting technique is also complicated, because in most cases, the coach is unable to see the minor errors that occur during shooting, so he relies on the shooter’s opinion about what happens to him and, on the basis of that, he takes action to improve technique. Nowadays, the work of a coach is made easier by the use of training equipment (Noptel, Scatt, etc.) where the coach can perceive the main aspects of shooting: movement of the rifle, aiming, pulling the trigger, rhythm and on the basis of these correct any possible errors. But not everyone is in a position to use these technical advantages. Thus, the coach has to know the solutions for all the events during shooting and, trying different possibilities with a shooter, to achieve the best scores.  Start the Course