The ISSF Academy


The ISSF Academy is the official sport development wing of the International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) and through it’s training arm, the ISSF Academy, operates and conducts all of the ISSF’s courses for coaches and sport development.

The ISSF Academy was established in 1992, for the specific purpose of developing and delivering coach education and sport development courses for the Olympic shooting sports. Since that time, the ISSF Academy has grown and adapted to meet the needs of the modern Olympic shooting coach. A comprehensive range of courses has been established to provide Olympic shooting coaches with the skills and knowledge to take their coaching career through from club level to Olympic level.


The Olympic Shooting Coach carries the responsibility for developing and improving the shooting sport in their country of work. Having access to the latest knowledge and understanding in shooting sport education and sport science will give our sport the best opportunity to succeed in the Olympic world.


Each course within the ISSF Academy builds upon the previous course to create a structured and progressive learning experience for the coach. The course structures are carefully designed to give the coach a detailed understanding of the coaching needs for athletes at all stages of their development from Club, National, International to Olympic Games. The courses are constantly revised to ensure that the content delivered matches current best practices in sport education and coaching principles.


When a coach receives the ISSF Academy license they can be sure that their license is internationally recognised and is a mark of their knowledge and experience within the Olympic shooting community.



Three coach licenses are established for those who complete successfully either an ‘outcome-based path’ or an ‘educational-based path’. The first basic level is the ‘ISSF National Coach’ license. The second more advanced level is the ‘ISSF Coach’ license. The third highest level is the ‘ISSF Coach Pro’ license.

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