

The Committees act as advisory bodies within the ISSF. Hey shall assist, support and advise the ISSF Bodies with respect to all matters assigned to them according to the ISSF Constitution.

Both genders must be represented in all Committees by at least two members.  

The ISSF has the following Committees:


The Technical Committee

The Technical Committee consists of the Chairman and twelve (12) members. The Chairman is elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term. Six members are elected by the Council for a two-year term. Chairmen of the Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Running Target, Target Sprint and Judges Committees are ex officio members of the Technical Committee.

The Technical Committee assists different disciplines in the development of the shooting rules and the sport of shooting, coordinates and review general and rules proposals for different shooting events and submits them for discussion and approval of the Council.


The Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Running Target, Target Sprint Committees

Those Committees are established for each discipline of the ISSF recognized shooting sport. All of them consist of a Chairman elected by the General Assemblyfor a four-year term by the General Assemblyand memberselected by the Council for a two-year term.The Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun and Running Target Committees have seven (7) members each, the Target Sprint Committee has five (5) members.

The Committeesrecommend changes to the respective shooting rules to the Technical Committee and Council, and must consider all technical questions relating to the organization of competitions, competition procedures and arms and equipment in their respective disciplines, including the preparation of rule interpretations.


The Judges Committee

The Judges Committee consists of a Chairman and seven members. The Chairman is elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term. The members are elected by the Council for a two-year term.

The Judges Committee shall provide guidelines for international judges, create educational programs for judges and referees,prepare, conduct and approve courses for judges and jury members, approve applications for judges’ and shotgun referee licenses, propose jury members for ISSF Championships to the Executive Committee.


The Statutes and Eligibility Committee

The Statutes and Eligibility Committee consists of a Chairman and seven members. The Chairman is elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term. The members are elected by the Council for a two-year term.

The Statutes and Eligibility Committee shall study the legal implications of proposed amendments to the ISSF Constitution and other ISSF Rules and Regulations,study and prepare rule changes regarding athlete eligibility, marketing and sponsorship and regulations for individual participation in the ISSF Championships, coordinate and review the drafting of amendments to the ISSF Constitution.


The Medical Committee

The Medical Committee consists of a Chairman and at least seven members. The Chairman is elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term. The members are elected by the Council for a two-year term.

The Medical Committee shall advise relevant ISSF bodies regarding athlete health, eligibility and sports medicine as well as all matters relating to mental health, safe sport and the ISSF’s compliance with the world anti-doping program. The Medical Committee supports the implementation of its Medical Guidelines at all ISSF events and the International Testing Agency’s execution of anti-doping controls in ISSF Championships, and promotes the exchange of knowledge, experience and research in sport medicine matters through events and publications.


The Athletes Committee

The current Athletes Committee consists of seven (7) members, including the Chairman, who were elected in 2018 by participants of the 52ndISSF World Championships in Changwon, Korea.

The next Athletes Committee (to be elected in 2022) will consist of ten (10) members comprising the Chairman and nine (9) members of which three (3) are from shotgun, three (3) from rifle and three (3) from pistol.Six (6) members are elected by the athletes (two (2) of each discipline). Three (3) members are appointed by the Executive Committee (one (1) of each discipline) considering the representation of the Continental Confederations pursuant to Article 14.3 ISSF Constitution and the number of votes received by the athletes. The Chairman shall be elected by and from among the nine (9) members of the Athletes Committee. After the election of the Chairman the athlete with the highest number of votes corresponding to the Chairman’s discipline shall be adapted as tenth (10th) member of the Athletes Committee.

The Athletes Committee must have at least four (4) members of each gender.

The Athletes Committee’s duties include:

  • Gathering information and opinions from athletes on their needs and problems with regard to the Olympic Games and major ISSF Competitions;
  • Consulting with athletes in the evaluation of the rules and regulations of the shooting sports and subsequently provide feedback to the Establishing contacts and coordinating activities with the Athlete Committees of the IOC, NOCs, Continental and National Federations;
  • Participating in working groups, to ensure the best possible conditions for the training, accommodation and living conditions for the athletes as well as for the conduct of the ISSF competitions;
  • Engaging actively with initiatives and projects that protect and support clean athletes on and off the field of play;
  • Establishing a direct link between athletes within the ISSF.


The Coaches Committee

The Coaches Committee consists of a Chairman and seven members. The Chairman is elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term. The members are elected by the Council for a two-year term.

The Coaches Committee shall:

  • Gather information and opinions on coaches needs and problems during training and ISSF Championships;
  • Voice recommendations on these issues to the relevant ISSF Bodies;
  • Create educational programs for coaches;
  • Promote coaching within the sport;
  • Establish links between coaches within the ISSF.


The Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee consists of a Chairman and seven members. The Chairman is elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term. The members are elected by the Council for a two-year term.

The Sustainability Committee shall advice the respective ISSF bodies on the matters related to the environment and nature conservation.