
Two officials courses delivered in Estonia and Egypt

ISSF courses for officials took place in Tallinn and Cairo.

Two courses for referees and judges have been held in Tallinn, Estonia, and Cairo, Egypt, ensuring more officials continue to be certified. 

In Estonia, an Electronic Scoring Target (EST) course took place from 22 to 26 January, with 17 participants from seven countries attending. 

During the five days, several sessions were held before concluding with a final exam.

EST courses allow officials to oversee the EST systems during shooting sport competitions, giving immediate feedback on scores, which can be displayed on screens for audiences too.

From 23 to 27 January, a shotgun referee course was organised by the Egyptian Shooting Federation in Cairo.

Lectures and practical sessions were held at the 6th of October Shooting Range with 17 participants too - eight women and nine men.

Of these, 16 students passed the course and most of the students are under 35 years old, showing a young generation of officials coming through.

The majority of these athletes speak at least two languages including Arabic, English and French.