The competition schedule runs from 4 to 9 December 2025.
The best and brightest shooting sport athletes will flock to Doha, Qatar, for the 2025 ISSF World Cup Final at the end of the year, with the competition to take place from 4 to 9 December 2025.
The season's best in rifle, pistol and shotgun will compete for the honour of becoming a winner at the ISSF World Cup Final, with the line-up determined by winning one of the four ISSF World Cup legs, being a medallist at the World Championships, being a defending champion or through gaining ISSF ranking points.
There will be 12 events on the schedule - with men's and women's competition in 10m air rifle, 50m rifle 3 positions, 10m air pistol, 25m rapid fire pistol/25m pistol, trap and skeet.
Winning one of the four World Cup events, guarantees your spot at the ISSF World Cup Final. If an athlete wins an ISSF World Cup event again in 2025, this place goes to the silver medallist instead. If the second-placed athlete has also already qualified, this spot will be allocated to the highest-ranked athlete in the results.
Aside from these four spots, the top two athletes in each event with the highest-ranking points values at 2025 ISSF World Cups, who have not yet qualified, will also secure their spot in Doha.
Each event may have a maximum of three athletes per National Federation and if more than three are qualified through a World Cup or through the ranking system, the qualification will go to the next-best athlete in the rankings from a different National Federation.
This rule does not apply to athletes who qualify through the 2025 ISSF World Championships and the 2024 ISSF World Cup Final in New Delhi. The top three from the World Championships and the defending champion from last year's ISSF World Cup Final have the right to compete too, bringing the total for each event to 10 athletes.
If a World Championships medallist is also the defending World Cup Final champion, this spot will be allocated to the ranking system instead, meaning three instead of two will qualify through this method. Any qualified athlete who is unable to participate, their spot will be deferred to the rankings too.
Two wild card positions are also available for the hosts in each of the 12 events, meaning a maximum field size of 12 athletes.
Prize money will be awarded to gold, silver and bronze medallists at the ISSF World Cup Final too.
The ranking system will be updated after each ISSF World Cup event.
Qatar is also the host for the 2026 ISSF World Championships.